The Sanctum Chapter One

Hey :) Here's Chapter One

"Arrooowww! When are you going to pick a spot, my feet are killing me!" I heard Rhodes call out behind me.
"Wanna know what's killing me? You're whining." Nadi snapped in a reply.
"Guys, guys. I'm sure Arrow will find a spot soon, right Arrow?" Buggy asked, to the right of me, looking at me with pleading pale blue eyes.
I smirked, "Look, what do you guys want from me? To pick a spot right now so we'll have to move again in another week or two?"
"Then Nadia would have growed out her hair for nothing." A small voice said next to me, an equally small hand sliding into mine.
Buggy looked down at the little curly blonde head, who was also holding her hand.
"That's right Lia." she said, smiling.
There's six of us here, with me, Rhododendron, andNadia at 15, Buggy at 16,Juniper at 14, andDianella at 7.
Every time we move to a different spot one of us has to cut our hair real short, or 'tip of the pony' as Rhodes calls it, and we spread the locks around our site to keep animals away.
That's right.
We live in a forest.
Don't ask me how we got here, nobody knows.
All of us woke up two year ago in the same clearing, with no memory of our former lives. But over the year that we've been herelittle snippets of our past are resurfacing.
Mine more than the rest of the girls.
Not that I'd want to share those of course.
Take Buggy for example. She remembers large rooms with multiple dingy beds and lots of voices. And in a later memory, dark, damp spaces.
I was able to put two and two together from what I remember.
Buggy grew up in an orphanage. I don't really know exactly where I just know she did. At some point, for whatever reason, she ran away and found me.
I was already living on the streets at this point.
I said that I didn't remember why.
I do.
Most of the other girls remember things like Buggy, little flashes of memories. Anything could bring them on.
Dreams, fears, places.
Tentative fingertips clutched my shoulder.
I turned and saw June, tall, brunette with a tan like an acorn.
"Umm, I think I see I a clearing, and I think it's by a stream." she said in a hushed voice, pointing with her eyes where she was looking.
I looked over and knew that in a few minutes, I'd see it too.
Another thing about us forest-gals, we've got powers.